Stop Burning Your AdWords Budget With These 6 Tips

Stop Burning Your AdWords Budget

How To Stop Wasting Your Adwords Budget

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out with a tiny account or are running a massive adwords budget, wasting money is not a prerequisite for PPC advertising. Here are some quick tips for optimizing your Adwords budget and campaigns:

1. Set-Up Your Adgroups Correctly

It’s imperative that you group your Adgroups with very tightly related keywords. Also keep each Adgroup to under 25 keywords.

2. Campaign Bidding

Make sure you don’t set your initial Adgroup bids to low. It’s better to set them higher and work them down as the campaign progresses, a bid that’s to low will yield a poor quality score which can not only effect your campaign but the entire Adwords account.

3. Separate Google Search From Google Display

As mentioned above it is recommended to separate campaigns based on networks that will bring you traffic. Search campaigns are very different than display. Visit Google support to read about the differences.

4. Ad Scheduling

Check to make sure that your account is set to the correct time zone first and foremost. Next at the campaign level make sure that you are running your ads during business hours if you are trying to generate leads. Just use common sense on what hours you want your ads running, a lead a 3:30am won’t be as qualified as one that comes in at 2pm.

5. Ad Rotation Optimization

Also by default Google ads is set to be served as Visitor “optimized” by choosing Optimize: Show better-performing ads more Often (Recommended) (Optimize: Show ads more often with better performance (recommended) which is recommended.

You should choose Rotate: Show ads more evenly (Rotate: Show ads more evenly) to see which ads are the most productive.

6. Set Geo Targeting

This is very important. If you are a business in Chicago who only services clients in Chicago you do not want your ads showing to people in California! Set your geo targeting correctly!

This a good start for you to get a campaign up and running decently. Also keep in mind these suggestions apply specifically to Google AdWords.

If you have any questions for the Clicks Geek team of ppc experts or think you may need ppc management, be sure to reach out to us or check out our services page. As always please continue to enjoy our blog content🙂

Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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