How To Hire The Best Pay Per Click Management Agency

The Best Pay Per Click Management Agency

Quick Guide For Selecting The Top PPC Management Service

There will always be great PPC agencies and not-so-good agencies that you can hire and you want to make sure you’re going to choose the right one.

Best advice….do some research when choosing the best pay per click management company.

Since Google is always making crazy changes to their algorithms, a lot of agencies are constantly popping up organically then disappearing.

So just because you do a Google search and see an agency listed at number 1 or number 3, whatever, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best or the most credible agency. Organic listings can be easily manipulated.

Do They Offer Free Consults Or PPC Audits?

A big red flag is when an agency doesn’t offer you an audit or consultation before sending you an invoice or asking for your credit card info. No two pay per click campaigns are ever the same and in the majority of cases, before launching one, you also need a landing page created for it. So make sure whoever you speak with isn’t just running and pushing you to sign up right away without doing or looking at anything.

Make Sure To Avoid Outsourcing

Make sure the people you are dealing with are not middle men. That could end badly for your campaign as they are just handing you off to someone else and getting paid, they really don’t care about your campaign at all. Tell them you want to speak to whoever the Google certified expert is that will be handling your campaign. If they give you the run around you know there is a problem.

Focus On ROI & Not Impressions Or Clicks

Metrics like ad positions, clicks, click through rates and impressions are certainly great, but it’s not a good idea that you make them the sole focus of your campaign. ROI and conversions should be your focus. If you are not getting a positive ROI then what is the point of advertising?

Certified Google Adwords Managers

Another thing you should look for in a PPC company is that their campaign managers are AdWords certified. In fact, in order for agencies to get their managers certified they have to pass a PPC marketing test from Google or Bing and then spend at least ten thousand dollars in ad spend on a monthly basis. This is actually a very simple status to obtain, so if the company you’re currently looking at doesn’t have it, it’s time to move on and look for one that does.

Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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