Top 3 PPC Agency Myths

PPC Agency Myths

Common Pay Per Click Agency Lies

PPC stands for ‘pay per click’ and is an advertising model used online to direct traffic to certain websites via searched keywords. The way it works is that the advertisers pay the owner of the website every time their link is clicked. It’s amazing how many misconceptions even the most knowledgeable advertiser has about this practice. Let’s discuss a few of the common myths in regards to the PPC business. Here are the top 3 PPC agency myths:

1. More Clicks Means More Profit

This is probably the most common myth out there, and it even makes a lot of sense too. You pay the search engine that you are advertising on for every click on your ad/link. It only makes sense that you want more and more people to click on your ads to your site because then your sales will most likely go up. However, what happens is most of these clicks are unqualified or just ‘window shopper’ visits. You need to know how to optimize your campaign so that only high intent searchers are clicking and visiting your site. This is how you will increase the amount of leads that you get from your clicks. So just increasing ‘clicks’ does not matter.

2. Use As Many Keywords As Possible

Here is another myth that is not close to being true. If you dump a whole lot of keywords then you’ll be more likely to get a higher amount of traffic. However, again you’ll run into the same problem as the previous myth. Depending on the keywords that you use, that will determine the type of traffic that comes to the site. You need to really take your time and do your research on the industry that you are trying to go into.

We only want buyers coming to our site, not window shoppers. Is it bad to dump extra keywords? Not always, but you want to make sure that the keywords are selective towards the kind of customers you want to attract. If you are selling shoes then don’t try attracting people that want to buy tomato plants

3. Only Use Google is the giant of search engines, this is true, but there are still a lot of other search engines that you can advertise on. Don’t discount Bing…here at Clicks Geek we have had campaigns that absolutely tanked on Google but were 100% winners on Bing!

Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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