5 Pay Per Click Advertising Best Practices

advertising best practices

Tips For Awesome PPC Advertising ROI

Pay per click advertising can be a very effective way to drive traffic to your website – but you have to do it right. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of your pay per click ads you pay a small fee to the search engine. A well designed PPC campaign will ensure that the visits you gain are worth much more to your business than what you are paying for the advertising.

So how can you improve your PPC campaign and make sure that you get the best return on your investment? Here are some tips to remember when using pay per click advertising:

1. Set a Goal

Goal setting is very important for a PPC campaign, so that you have something clearly defined to work toward. Make sure that you have outlined realistic, beneficial goals with your PPC consultant and that you monitor your progress toward those goals on a regular basis.

2. Focus on the Right Geographic Location

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many ad campaigns are set to “all locations” even though the company does not provide service worldwide. This doesn’t target the right people, so it is a waste of ad costs. Even if you do have a global company that offers services worldwide, you should separate your campaigns by region because the most effective keywords and ad copy will be different for each country.

3. Track Your Conversions

Another important best practice for pay per click advertising is tracking your conversions. You need to be able to measure the amount of people who visited your website and took a desired action, such as making a purchase or registering for an event. A conversion is when a customer takes an action that is worthwhile to you. If you don’t have a measurable or worthwhile action to be taken on your site, there is really no point to using pay per click advertising.

4. Use Niche Keywords

Many people will want to use broad keywords in their campaign, because these vague terms get the most searches. However, using the broadest keywords is more expensive and also means that you will have a lot of competition, so the chances of a conversion are much lower. It is better to focus on niche terms.

For example, “hiking shoes in Seattle” or “tap dancing shoes in Los Angeles” are more specific search terms than “shoes”. These terms are much cheaper and the people who are searching for them are much more likely to buy your product.

5. Test Your Ad Copy

Sometimes particular ad copy performs better with different audiences, so try testing different versions of an ad to see which one delivers the better click-through rate. Be constantly measuring your progress so that you can see how to improve your campaign.


Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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