How Much Are PPC Management Fees?

ppc consultant rates


What Does Adwords Management And PPC Consulting Pricing Look Like?

Google Adwords pricing varies across different PPC management companies. It can be anywhere from a small flat monthly fee for campaign management, to a percentage of the adspend on the account for management. Just keep in mind you will get what you pay for as they say. Not really sure who “they” are but, they know what they are talking about! See what I did there?

Let’s put it this way. If you find some shady “company” on say Fiverr offering to create and manage your Google Adwords account for a $5.

Just don’t do that!

Please, just don’t do that.

When shopping around for PPC management fees or Adwords search consultant costs, pricing or rates or whatever, just make sure you are doing your homework. Check if they have previous work, are they Google certified, how their process works, how many clients have they worked with, how long have they been in the paid search space, etc. It’s imperative that you do your homework.

Not All Agency Management Fees and Pricing Are Created Equal

About 82% of our business comes from:

1.) Other Adwords PPC agencies who outsource their work to us.
2.) Business owners who have been burned by crappy “PPC agencies” who promised them the moon and just slapped a campaign together in 15 minutes and charged them $1,500 bucks and the campaign tanked.

It just sucks because it gives our industry a bad rep and makes business owners who in reality actually NEED this service, more hesitant to begin growing their business online. Sorry running the topic train off the rails here and getting carried away, let’s get back to the core issue. OK, so PPC prices and fee structures.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, you have a few different options in terms of ppc management fees.

Option one, a monthly flat rate for campaign creation and monthly management + campaign optimization. This can range anywhere form $250-$1,500 a month depending on the campaigns niche and the PPC company that you are dealing with. The most common form of Adwords fee structure is a percentage of your set monthly adspend.

That might sound a little confusing so let me break it down. Let’s say your monthly adspend or “budget” for Adwords is $8,000. The bigger more established agencies will usually charge anywhere from a 15% – 20% fee to create, manage and optimize your account. So if you are spending $8,000 you management fee can be anywhere from $1,200/mo – $1,600/mo. That may seem like a lot but in the bigger picture it’s nothing compared to what a professional agency will generate you in ROI and lead volume. Now, go get em!

Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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