Google Search Network VS Google Display Network

PPC Management

What’s The Difference Between The Google Search Network and Display Network

If you have ever advertised online before, you are obviously familiar with Google Adwords. Did you know that Google has two Ad networks that are very different?

These are the Google Search Network and the Google Display Network.

You can greatly benefit from both networks if you use them correctly.

The problem is, most people do not…ever.

This article will deal with the Google Search network vs Google Display network.

The Google Search Network is best for you if you are targeting internet users searching for your products, services or information related to your business. The Google Display Network is made up of a group of search related websites such as Google maps, search, images, shopping as well as partner websites such as AOL.

The Google search network brings consumers to you by displaying matching ads to them when they perform a search on a search engine. The ads are targeted based on the keywords searched in the search engine. You can only run text ads when using the Search Network and this is in a pay per click format.

The Google display network is best for you if your aim is building brand awareness. When you use the display network, your ads are not displayed to user actively searching for your services or products. Your ads will be displayed on websites that have enable Google AdSense. There are over a million website that have partnered with Google to display ads.

Your ads will also be displayed on Google owned sites like YouTube, Gmail and Google Finance. These are the ads that you see when reading online newspapers, your favorite blogs or when cruising around YouTube. The Google Display Network allows you to use both text ads and banner ads.

The Search Network and the Display Network are two online advertising approaches that are very different from each other. You can use them both to market your business online or one at a time, as long as you run them as separate campaigns you won’t have any issues. Hopefully, this Google blog post will help you use them in the best way possible.

Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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