4 Signs Your PPC Management Company Really Sucks

4 signs your ppc management company really sucks


Follow These Steps To Avoid Hiring A Bad PPC Agency

I apologize for this title but I couldn’t help myself I think it’s hilarious. It’s just a sad fact that a majority of “PPC Agencies” have no clue what they are doing and most likely just sprung up and started grabbing clients. So I wanted to write this brief post of just a couple things that you guys should be looking out for when it comes to hiring a PPC management company.

1. They never asked you about what your target CPL is or what your cost per acquisition is. This basically means how much you can afford to pay for each lead or sale. This number can then be used to work out your maximum cost per click. Without this number your PPC company is working in the dark and that my friends is a very bad sign.

2. They asked you to make all the necessary changes to your website and set-up conversion tracking. Conversion tracking is 100% necessary and needs to be set-up correctly in order to run a successful search campaign. It simply cannot be left to “chance”.

3. They set-up your campaign with no match type variations. Danger Will Robinson DANGER! This is a major red flag to amateurish PPC campaign creation. Make sure you have several different match types rockin n rollin.

4. I hate to say it but….tiny low to no fees for campaign creation/management. Do you really think an agency that provides expert advice, has a certified staff and attends conferences and ongoing education could build and manage a campaign for you for $150-$250 bucks? Nope, won’t happen.

Are you a business in New York? What are the biggest challenges you face with your current PPC management company? Let us know your thoughts or questions in the comment section below.


Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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