Turn Your Marketing Plan for Roofing Contractors into a Recipe for Business Success

To help you compete with other local roofing companies, we developed a list of tips for more successful roofing marketing.

Direct Mail Campaigns

While companies put a lot of emphasis on the importance of online marketing, you should not neglect physical marketing techniques such as direct mail. Direct marketing mail campaigns have high response rates even compared to emails. Holding a physical object can increase brand awareness significantly. You can use these advertisements in conjunction with website advertisements to reach a wider audience.

To get the most out of your mail, you should research your demographic. Customize your marketing efforts to suit specific customers, thus leading to more qualified conversions. You should also include a clear call to action in the interest of motivating potential customers to take the next step in choosing you as their roof contractor.

Creating Your Roofing Website

Your roofing company website should be professional, clean, and easy to navigate to make the best first impression and convert visitors to customers. Compatibility with mobile devices and ease of use lets website visitors find the information they need more quickly. You should also make important information, such as descriptions of core roofer services and your company phone number, easy to find.

Social Media Marketing Strategies

Social media platforms allow your company to interact directly with your customer base. You can create valuable content by sharing pictures of the results of your roofing services, posting blogs about roofing contractor work, and answering questions posted by clients. By doing so, you establish your roofing company as knowledgeable and professional.

These websites also make it easy for customers to leave positive reviews. Instead of asking for a review on your website, you can direct a customer to your Facebook or Google My Business Page. Referrals are also easier to share when your customers can link their friends and family to pictures of your work instead of relying on word of mouth.

Pay-per-click Advertising

When you use a PPC advertising service like Google Ads, you can increase your online visibility and the number of qualified leads it generates almost instantly. In return for paying for each click on your advertisement, it is placed at the top of the Google search engine results page above organic results. After you bid on keywords and phrases that are relevant to your roofing business, the name of your business will appear in local searches containing those words.

PPC advertising lets you advertise to a target audience and generate more qualified leads by using these keywords. You can also optimize your marketing strategy as it produces results. Increasing the bidding on keywords that generated successful roofing leads will increase your ranking in those searches even more. If you have keywords that are doing poorly, you can reduce or completely remove their bids to maximize your return on interest.

To increase your online presence today, you can contact a digital marketing expert at Clicks Geek to help you find the best roofing marketing ideas.


Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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