Effective Roofing Company Advertising Ideas That Will Keep You Top of Mind

Home repair is an essential service—people are always going to need it. Your job as a roofing company is to make sure that you are on the top of everyone’s mind when they need to install or repair a roof.

The following are effective roofing company advertising ideas that will help separate you from other roofing companies.

The Importance of Google Ads for a Roofing Contractor

Firstly, let’s talk about how to get your roofing business seen by thousands of people. While SEO and social media are great tools to always keep in mind, running a Google Ads campaign will further bolster your Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Google Ads allows you to see the results of your campaign in real-time. This information is a key indicator of how well you targeted your campaign because Google Ads lets you customize your campaign to reach a specific audience to get more roofing leads.

One of the best things about running a campaign with Google Ads is the ability to control the costs your roofing business incurs. This format is called the Pay Per Click (PPC) method. It is a digital marketing strategy that only charges you when customers click on your promoted link.

Build a Strong Website

Another one of our roofing marketing ideas to stand out from your competitors is to create a website that clearly illustrates the roofing services your company provides to potential customers. Many roof repair websites do a poor job of explaining what exactly it is they do for customers.

A couple of things that can make your website stand out is to include call-to-actions on each page. A call to action makes it easy for your customers to interact with your website. Refer consumers to your contact page so they can get in touch with you.

Your business should also emphasize content marketing. Start a weekly blog creating content that is relevant to your customers. This page will drive more traffic to your site, enhancing your online optimization as well as your chances of gaining new leads and customers.

Work Those Emails

Don’t wait for people to find you in the yellow pages. One of the most vital marketing tactics you can perform to draw more attention to your business is email marketing. Once your website begins to generate leads, make sure to follow up with them regularly.

People have short memories, and even if they seemed interested in your business on Monday, they might completely forget about you on Tuesday. That’s why you should be reaching out to your leads consistently to stay fresh in their mind. There are automated services you can use to make direct mail sending even easier for you.
Clicks Geek Is Here for Your Roofing Marketing Needs
Clicks Geek is a proven expert in converting leads utilizing the marketing tips outlined in this article. If you’re looking to market your roofing in a better way, contact our marketing agency today!


Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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