PPC vs. SEO for Law Firms: Which Strategy Can Get Your More Clients?

The legal space is highly competitive, and many firms have embraced digital marketing as the best way to get new clients. It’s not enough to have a smart website; you also need to have a marketing strategy that focuses on visibility. With so many competitors, you need to work hard to keep your law firm on the first page of a search result.

Every law firm wants to get the most out of their marketing budget, so it’s vital to pick the right strategy for your needs. While both SEO and PPC can produce dramatic results, it’s worthwhile to understand exactly what niche these advertising methods fill and how you can use them to your advantage.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

PPC relies on a paid search strategy that places your website at the top of a Google search results page for a fee you pay every time someone clicks on your ad.

PPC offers the advantage of providing instant results in terms of increased traffic to your website. However, the cost per click for keywords like “attorney” and “lawyer” can reach hundreds of dollars, which means you need to be very careful about employing PPC in your advertising campaign.

Also, while PPC seems simple, it’s still very work-intensive. If your website or landing page doesn’t have a high conversion rate, you may find yourself losing due to the exceptionally high pay-per-click costs.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a long-term strategy focused on organic traffic and organic search results. Instead of paying Google to put your page at the top, you take advantage of the search engine algorithm to naturally rank your site highly.

Typically, customers tend to think organic results are more trustworthy than paid ads, and once you’ve completed an SEO campaign, you’ll see results without any extra investment.

However, SEO does have several drawbacks. It’s very time-intensive and can take months to show any return on investment. Also, since law firm marketing is so popular, you’ll need to continually adapt your SEO strategy to keep up with the competition.

Which One is Better for Your Law Firm?

Instead of thinking in terms of SEO vs. PPC, it’s better to consider the two as synergistic strategies that boost each other.

PPC offers immediate benefits and can keep website traffic high while you implement your SEO strategy. Also, since PPC drives website traffic, search engines will assume that your site is trustworthy, which improves your SEO score.

Both methods have good ROIs if implemented correctly, and both have a place in your advertising efforts. Some firms need short-term solutions, while others will get better results with a long-term plan. However, both methods can also be incredibly costly if implemented incorrectly, which is why it’s better to work with an established and reputable marketing company.

Clicksgeek has worked with many attorneys and firms and understands your marketing needs. We can advise you on the best strategy for your situation, ensuring you get the most out of your investment. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you reach your business goals.


Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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