
Prioritize These Key Bankruptcy Advertising Ideas and Strategies

If you have a law firm staffed with great bankruptcy attorneys, but your law firm needs more exposure, you’ll need to implement several marketing strategies. While numerous ways to advertise a bankruptcy law firm exist, online marketing has proven to be highly effective in the digital era. Read on as the Clicks Geek team shares marketing ideas for bankruptcy attorneys.

Since most people searching for lawyers these days find them through online search engines, the primary goal of legal marketing is to strategize to get your business listing to show up at the top of the Google search returns. This happens in two ways: through search engine optimization (SEO) of your website, which ranks you higher in organic (non-paid) search returns, and through pay-per-click (PPC) ads, which put your listing at the very top of the search returns page.

The core piece of online marketing is your law firm’s website, which you should professionally design for both structure and content and then optimize to maximize its organic Google ranking.

Establish an Optimized Online Presence

You can build a website, but getting people to visit it is the ultimate challenge. That’s where Google Search comes in since it can direct potential clients to your site. When people input search results about a bankruptcy firm, your firm should come up on the first page of the search results (SERPs).

Ensure that your website looks professional and contains high-quality content so that it ranks high in Google. With your marketing team, research the keywords that bring in the highest volume of potential clients seeking bankruptcy legal help and incorporate these words into your site following SEO strategy. These might include bankruptcy law firm, bankruptcy law, New York law firms, chapter 7, and bankruptcy attorney.

Having a well-optimized site exposes your firm to people worldwide and no longer limits you to your geographical region. On the other hand, local optimization can bring in prospective clients looking for bankruptcy lawyer near me.

Create a Google Ads PPC Campaign

A solid online marketing strategy always includes Google Ads, further supporting you when users search for bankruptcy law firms. It will guarantee a paid ad spot at the top of the search listings for whatever keywords you pay for.

You’ll bid to Google on a price for each search term, but since your business is competing with other businesses for those terms, the pricing can become competitive. That’s why a marketing expert can help you learn how to bid successfully. The PPC approach is very effective if you need immediate results since the SEO approach takes weeks or months to have an effect.

With a Google Ads campaign, establishing contact with interested parties is the first stage of potentially signing them on. Google Ads is a highly effective strategy to introduce people to your services and bring them to your site. At that point, it’s the job of your responsive office team to convert the site visitors into clients after persuading them that you are the professional bankruptcy attorney they need.

Social Media

More than two billion people use sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The potential to acquire business from that large pool of members is significantly high. One tactic is creating a likable presence on these platforms and posting periodic articles of interest related to your field–such as money management tips.

A second pro tip for maximizing your reach on these platforms is to use their ads feature. For example, Facebook Ads allows you to solicit new clients by creating targeted ads that Facebook will place on the newsfeeds of many people who fit the demographic criteria you specify. As with Google Ads, these are pay-per-click, so you’ll only pay when someone clicks through to your website.

Make Sure to Contact Us to Increase Your Qualified Leads

Increase your exposure by building a site, using digital marketing techniques like PPC and SEO, and creating Facebook Ad campaigns to advertise your bankruptcy services. Call Clicks Geek at 917-310-1597 and tell us how we can help support your efforts.


Ed Stapleton, Jr is a ‘Google Partner’ marketing expert who’s sold over 1,500 Google Ads clients and managed millions in ad spend. He heads up the front of the house at his marketing agency Clicks Geek where he manages sales and strategic relationships.

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