
Google Ads For Junk Removal

Clicks Geek is a U.S.-Based Google Ads agency focused on increasing sales and leads for junk removal companies. We do this by driving quality traffic and delivering a superior landing page experience.

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“Ed has invested thousands of painstaking hours into understanding the nuances of sales and marketing so his customers can prosper. He’s a true professional in every sense of the word and someone I look to when I need advice.”

Brian Norgard

Brian Norgard

VP @ Tinder Inc.
Google Ads Case Study - Junk Removal PPC Ads
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Junk Removal PPC Ads, Marketing & Lead Generation

You might have the best junk removal services in your area, but if people don’t know about it, you will never be able to build a successful company. This is why marketing is crucial for business owners.

Over the last few years, the world of marketing has changed dramatically, with Google AdWords becoming one of the leading platforms driving that change. An AdWords campaign allows companies to reach and engage with anyone who uses Google to search for your service.

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With the right strategy, Google Ads allows a junk removal company to connect in real-time with prospective clients looking for their services. You only pay when people click on your ad, which can direct visitors to your site or landing page, where you can encourage them to set up a consultation or generate a call to visit your site.

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Ed’s advice, information, and techniques have helped my business not only STAY OPEN these last few years, but GROW with consistency.

Joseph Hughes

Joseph Hughes

CEO @ Contractor Dynamics

Take your business to the next level with a PPC agency that actually delivers.

Steps of Using Google Ads

PPC Ads Google Click

When using AdWords, you pay to have Google display an ad for your business’ services to those in need or those who are searching for relevant keywords.

The first step when using the AdWords platform is defining your desired outcomes. Are you looking to increase the calls your company gets, get more consumers, or increase traffic to your website?

After defining your marketing goals, the next step is to determine your target audience. Are you marketing your services to a local or global audience? Where would you like to place your ad? Setting your budget is usually the last step before proceeding to launch your campaign.

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The guys at Clicks Geek are SEM experts and some of the most knowledgeable marketers on the planet. They are obviously well studied and I often wonder from where and how long it took them to learn all this stuff. They’re leap years ahead of the competition and can make any industry profitable with their techniques, not just the software industry. They are legitimate and honest and I recommend him highly.

David Greek

David Greek

CEO @ HipaaCompliance.org

Types of Google Ads

There are five different types of Google Ads from which you can choose:

  • Search Network Campaign

    With a Search Network campaign, your business’ ad will also appear in search results on one of the other Google search partners whenever users on those sites look up terms that are related to key phrases tied to your campaign. Some of the top search partners include Google Shopping and YouTube.

  • Display Network Campaign

    The Display Network campaign places your business’ visual ad in front of anybody using Google’s Display Network sites like YouTube and Gmail.

  • Shopping Campaign

    In this AdWords campaign, the search engine uses your website store’s product data to determine how and where within Google’s Shopping network to display your ad.

  • Video Campaign

    An AdWords Video campaign makes it possible for you to promote your junk removal business via video advertisements that the search engine will display on its Display Network sites.

  • App Campaign

    Opting for an App campaign will prompt the search engine to display your ad on AdMob, Google Search, Discover, Display Network, its search partners, and several other publishers that show app advertisements.

Google Ads Case Study Junk Removal Company Google PPC Ads
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Check to see if your territory is available still!

Signing up for a PPC ad account is simple. You don’t have to hire a PPC agency to set up and manage your campaign, but most junk removal the time, tools, and expertise required to maximize ROI.

Client Testimonial Praise

Steven Cortez


Ed's a great dude! PPC expert all the way. I've had a couple phone calls with him. Very helpful and down to earth.

Max Reznich


I have Robert Salvatore saved in my phone as "PPC Whisperer" for a reason. The man can do things with a Google Ads campaign that I've never seen before. Thanks again brother.

Daniel Kichen


These guys are so awesome that even if they can't help you they will refer you to somebody who can. That doesn't happen often, good people.

Jeremy Bolton


Just wanted to give Ed Stapleton at Clicks Geek a recommendation if any of you guys are looking to outsource your google ads campaigns. Double my clients conversions within a month and now have a VERY happy client! Thanks Ed...

Jacob Kettner


Quick shout-out to Robert Salvatore over at Clicks Geek. I was on a call with Mark Luckenbaugh yesterday bitching about a Google Ads campaign that wasn't converting well, and he suggested I talk to Robert. I hit him up yesterday in the afternoon, and by 8:30AM this morning he'd done a complete audit of the campaign and laid out actionable steps for me to take to improve both CTR and costs as well as how I'm tracking, and the way I'm targeting keywords.  I can honestly say I learned more about Google Ads from his audit than I did from the last Google Ads course I took.

Brant Scheifler


Quick tip of the hat to Ed and Robert on the PPC front. I sent them a PPC campaign a couple months back for one of my local clients. Theya re killing it both on CPC and CPL. I honestly hate managing PPC, and even though Rob would attest to me knowing more about Google Ads than him (actually not really he would never say that nor is it true), I prefer to not have to look at PPC campaigns whenever possible. So, just wanted to say that if you need a good PPC resource that's hand off I would check out these guys! Hope this helps someone that may be fed up with managing Google Ads or looking for a good source.

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See what our happy clients have to say.

Google Ads Case Study - Junk Removal PPC Ads

We’re A Google Partner Agency

As a Google Partner Agency, we’ve joined the cream of the crop in PPC specialists. This designation is reserved for only a small fraction of Google Partners who have demonstrated a consistent track record of success.

Why Should You Use Google Ads?

If you are unfamiliar with the platform, you are probably unaware of the several benefits your company could enjoy using AdWords as an online marketing tool. For others, the cost involved with advertising on Google Ads is often a deal-breaker. If you are smart about how you utilize the AdWords platform, however, you can reap a ton of positive results. Some of these benefits include:

Increased Leads and Customers

Google Ads is a fantastic tool to use for quality lead generation. When set up optimally, the platform can send quality targeted leads to your website or whatever online property toward which you wish to direct consumers.

Instead of marketing to the general public, AdWords marketing enables you to focus on those who are already searching for your services. By refining searches, you ensure that only those interested in your services will visit your website.

High Return on Investment

Every company wants to reap the rewards on every investment they make, and Google Ads offers just that. With AdWords, you only pay for the ads that people click on, a feature that is not available with most marketing strategies. Once you have fully optimized your campaign, you can get extremely high returns on the investments you make.

Immediate and Transparent Results

One of Google Ads’ key selling points is the quick, transparent results the platform delivers. Optimizing your campaign needs you to test and monitor it regularly, and for that to be possible, you need readily available information.

The data that AdWords provides you with enables you to monitor your campaign’s progress, focusing your marketing efforts on the right areas.

Gives You More Insight into Your Industry

Understanding your clientele makes it easier for you to provide them with the exact services they want. With traditional marketing methods, however, this is often challenging to do.

On the other hand, AdWords provides you with information regarding customer habits such as the key phrases and devices different consumers use, their location, and how frequently they search for your services. You can then utilize this information to refine your marketing.

Advanced Tracking

Tracking through analytics is an essential part of succeeding in your Google Ads campaign.

We’ll track the results from your ads campaign diligently and use them to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. We’ll set up call tracking and contact form tracking down to the keyword level to enable us to optimize your campaigns and drive more inbound leads.

National PPC Agency - ClicksGeek Ads - Full Service PPC Management

The Bottom Line

We offer unrivaled expertise and have a reputation for providing wildly successful results for our clients.

If you’re in the HVAC industry, make the most of your marketing dollars. Contact us at Clicks Geek today to get started with Google Ads or to have our team analyze your current campaign. Have any questions? Our friendly team is always happy to answer them and offer guidance to implement the right HVAC marketing strategy.

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AdWords Management Services

An effective AdWords campaign requires constant tweaks and tuning to allow you to reap the platform’s benefits. This is where Google Ads management comes in. While there are some who manage their business’ Google Ads campaign themselves, hiring someone to do it for you is easily the more efficient option.

Saves You Time and Effort

Managing your AdWords campaign yourself can cost you, causing you to spend time and effort better directed toward other core enterprise activities you would otherwise be handling. You will also need to account for the time you spend learning how to use the platform.

Hiring an expert, however, saves you from all that hassle, allowing you to focus on running your junk removal business, knowing that the management of your AdWords campaign is in good hands.

Gives You Access to Their Expertise

The success of a self-managed campaign depends on your level of proficiency. Depending on how familiar you are with the platform, you could be limiting the success your marketing can achieve. Hiring someone else allows you to take advantage of their expertise and experience. They will implement all the necessary tools and strategies your campaign needs to make it a success.

Access to Full-time Support

Hiring a Google Ads management agency gives you access to full-time support. They will always be ready to help, answering any questions you might have and resolving any issue as soon as it arises. This full-time support further works to make your campaign more efficient, guiding you along the way.

Ultimately Leads to an Increase in Customers

An expert will have the skills needed to interpret the tracking market data AdWords provides you with, allowing them to optimize your marketing campaign. When your campaign is in proper order, it leads to more quality leads, more buyers, and an improved bottom line.

These and a lot more benefits are why hiring a professional agency will enable you to fully capitalize on the revolutionary marketing technology that is AdWords.

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