
Google Ads For ENT Doctors

Clicks Geek is a U.S.-Based Google Ads agency focused on increasing sales and leads for EMT doctors. We do this by driving quality traffic and delivering a superior landing page experience.

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“Ed has invested thousands of painstaking hours into understanding the nuances of sales and marketing so his customers can prosper. He’s a true professional in every sense of the word and someone I look to when I need advice.”

Brian Norgard

Brian Norgard

VP @ Tinder Inc.

How do you look for new ENT patients?

According to various studies, more than 80 percent of people go online to find a doctor or look for health information and visit their websites.

People who need help with ENT (ear, nose, and throat) conditions and procedures use search engines to find an ENT specialist or hear about them through social media. They then click on a link to visit or explore medical websites until they find the one that captures their interest.

That means that if you don’t have a website or social media presence, it’s unlikely that potential patients will find your ENT practice. For you to achieve your goals, we recommend that you upgrade your otolaryngology marketing tactics.

In today’s highly competitive digital marketing field, it can be difficult for you to stand out as an otolaryngologist or ENT doctor without a solid digital marketing plan. If you want those prospective patients to notice your ENT practice, your listing needs to be at the top of SERPs (search engine result pages).

So, you may be wondering: What’s the fastest way to increase the traffic and attract more patients to my ENT practice website? Do I need to master some marketing skills? The short answer is to hire a digital marketing firm, like us at Clicks Geek, specializing in PPC advertising through Google Ads.

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Google Ads Partner Badge

We’ll manage your Google Ads account to drive the right patients to your website. Highly focused keyword research helps us determine the most cost-effective approach to obtaining prospective patients searching precisely for the medical services you offer.

Paid advertising helps you grow your practice and book more appointments by appearing above organic searches. If your competitors aren’t using PPC, then that gives you an advantage. Patients searching for doctors in your area are more likely to find your practice on online search results.

Without a digital advertising campaign, your practice will have to rely on SEO or inconsistent referral sources to improve, which usually takes a while. If you need a quick boost to your revenue, pay-per-click advertising can help you grow your practice fast.

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Ed’s advice, information, and techniques have helped my business not only STAY OPEN these last few years, but GROW with consistency.

Joseph Hughes

Joseph Hughes

CEO @ Contractor Dynamics

Take your business to the next level with a PPC agency that actually delivers.

How Do Google Ads Work? What is PPC Marketing?

PPC Ads Google Click

Google Ads are paid online listings that show up at the top of SERPs. These are the first results any prospective patients will see when they’re searching for ENT health services online using words like “ear ache doctor near me,” “nose specialist,” or “doctor for balloon sinuplasty.”

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So, whether a patient is searching on a mobile device, laptop, or desktop, the paid ads at the top of the page are what most patients see first. The beauty of this system is that you only pay each time a visitor clicks on the link that brings them to your website’s landing page. It’s an extremely efficient method of digital advertising.

Google Ads are most effective when you hire PPC professionals to set them up for you. At Clicks Geek, we understand that your top priority is to provide patient care, so when it comes to otolaryngology marketing, be sure to hire a skilled, experienced marketing team like ours to help you fine-tune your ENT marketing strategy and deliver you the desired results.

Google Ads is one of the fastest and most effective ways for small ENT practices to leverage PPC tools and strategies. Running a Google Ads campaign takes time and money – two things that are often in short supply for many smaller business establishments. Many small practices find themselves operating on a tight budget with staff wearing many hats. We understand.

Hiring a digital marketing agency for ENT practices will take the guesswork out of the picture to spend your dollars most effectively. At Clicks Geek, we can help improve your marketing strategy so you will start seeing and treating more patients right away.

With traditional advertising, such as radio, television, and print, you pay for your ads to be seen by potential customers, most of whom may not even be interested in your products or services. Google Ads offers a different approach to marketing your otolaryngology practice. Rather than paying for your ads to be placed on Google results, you only pay when a patient clicks on an ad that directs them to your website or initiates a phone call. This guarantees maximum ROI on your digital marketing efforts.

PPC works on a bidding system. Once you’ve selected your keywords, you’ll bid for your placement. This is what’s referred to as your maximum bid. The maximum bid is how much you’re willing to pay every time a potential patient clicks on your ad.

PPC works well for bringing credible leads into your practice. According to various findings, people who click on your Google ad are likely already looking for your services.

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The guys at Clicks Geek are SEM experts and some of the most knowledgeable marketers on the planet. They are obviously well studied and I often wonder from where and how long it took them to learn all this stuff. They’re leap years ahead of the competition and can make any industry profitable with their techniques, not just the software industry. They are legitimate and honest and I recommend him highly.

David Greek

David Greek

CEO @ HipaaCompliance.org

Social Media, Landing Pages, and SEO Marketing

Facebook Ads

Another type of PPC involves social media marketing: creating Facebook ads that will appear on the Facebook news feed of people who match a list of demographic criteria that you create.

Social media marketing is what’s called “push” advertising since you are reaching out to those who fit your target patient profile rather than the “pull” approach that tries to nab the prospects who are already searching for the services you offer. Nevertheless, both approaches invite people to click on your ad, which in turn brings them to your website’s landing page.

The Landing Page

The prospective patient’s arrival at your website’s landing page is the critical point at which you can win them or lose them, so your landing page should be professional by design and strategized to welcome a visitor into your patient clientele.

At Clicks Geek, we can help build a better web site or optimize the one you have. You want a contact form that will register a visitor’s first name, last name, phone number, email address, and any interest they may have in services or procedures. That helps you develop solid leads that your physician liaison can follow up on.

Your landing page is critical to convincing your customer to convert, which means to schedule an appointment at your practice. You need a high-quality website to optimize your conversion rates while also lowering your conversion pricing.

The most critical quality of an optimized landing page is relevance. If someone has an ear, nose, or throat problem, they need to find relevant content on your page that appeals to their needs.

The Landing Page

PPC marketing works well in combination with another approach called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO involves implementing a number of tactics on your website that will cause it to rank high on organic (that is, unpaid) search results pages.

While an SEO plan typically takes time to show results, PPC has an immediate effect even within a few hours of set up. PPC ads allow you to target customers or patients in a specific geographical area as well as those who use specific search terms.

Client Testimonial Praise

Steven Cortez


Ed's a great dude! PPC expert all the way. I've had a couple phone calls with him. Very helpful and down to earth.

Max Reznich


I have Robert Salvatore saved in my phone as "PPC Whisperer" for a reason. The man can do things with a Google Ads campaign that I've never seen before. Thanks again brother.

Daniel Kichen


These guys are so awesome that even if they can't help you they will refer you to somebody who can. That doesn't happen often, good people.

Jeremy Bolton


Just wanted to give Ed Stapleton at Clicks Geek a recommendation if any of you guys are looking to outsource your google ads campaigns. Double my clients conversions within a month and now have a VERY happy client! Thanks Ed...

Jacob Kettner


Quick shout-out to Robert Salvatore over at Clicks Geek. I was on a call with Mark Luckenbaugh yesterday bitching about a Google Ads campaign that wasn't converting well, and he suggested I talk to Robert. I hit him up yesterday in the afternoon, and by 8:30AM this morning he'd done a complete audit of the campaign and laid out actionable steps for me to take to improve both CTR and costs as well as how I'm tracking, and the way I'm targeting keywords.  I can honestly say I learned more about Google Ads from his audit than I did from the last Google Ads course I took.

Brant Scheifler


Quick tip of the hat to Ed and Robert on the PPC front. I sent them a PPC campaign a couple months back for one of my local clients. Theya re killing it both on CPC and CPL. I honestly hate managing PPC, and even though Rob would attest to me knowing more about Google Ads than him (actually not really he would never say that nor is it true), I prefer to not have to look at PPC campaigns whenever possible. So, just wanted to say that if you need a good PPC resource that's hand off I would check out these guys! Hope this helps someone that may be fed up with managing Google Ads or looking for a good source.

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We’re A Google Partner Agency

As a Google Partner Agency, we’ve joined the cream of the crop in PPC specialists. This designation is reserved for only a small fraction of Google Partners who have demonstrated a consistent track record of success.

What You Get From Working with Our Clicks Geek Team

Getting prospective patients to click on your ad is the first step of the process. That brings them to your landing page, which is where you need to capture their attention with a full menu of enticing and information-rich content, such as photos and bios of the medical staff, explanations of different conditions and procedures, and even a case study or two to help them understand your health care process.

The next step is getting them to call your practice to schedule an appointment. At Clicks Geek, our primary focus is to improve your overall conversion rate. That’s why we optimize for cost per conversion and conversion rate.

We make that possible by continuously testing and tweaking the keywords, landing page, website, and ads to find the ideal winning combination. Ultimately, people looking for doctors in your specialty will be making an appointment at your practice.

Advanced Tracking

Tracking through analytics is an essential part of succeeding in your Google Ads campaign.

We’ll track the results from your ads campaign diligently and use them to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. We’ll set up call tracking and contact form tracking down to the keyword level to enable us to optimize your campaigns and drive more inbound leads.

National PPC Agency - ClicksGeek Ads - Full Service PPC Management

The Bottom Line

We offer unrivaled expertise and have a reputation for providing wildly successful results for our clients.

If you’re in the ENT doctor industry, make the most of your marketing dollars. Contact us at Clicks Geek today to get started with Google Ads or to have our team analyze your current campaign. Have any questions? Our friendly team is always happy to answer them and offer guidance to implement the right ENT doctor marketing strategy.

Transparent Reporting

Every week, we send a detailed report of how your ad campaign has been performing over the last seven days. That business information allows you to compare marketing performance, so you’ll see how the campaign progresses. That way, you can calculate the cost of attracting each new patient and how to tweak your ad spend for better results and increase the number of visits to your site.

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  • Contact Form and Call Tracking

    In addition to tracking your campaign’s overall performance, we’ll also set up a contact form and call-conversion tracking for the practice. This involves obtaining as much personal contact information (first name, last name, phone number, email address) from the website visitor or caller. We track everything down to the keyword level so you can see the keywords that are driving your inbound leads. Such information can help otolaryngologists adjust their marketing campaigns.

  • Get More Patients from the Search Engines

    Are you tired of counting on just referrals to drive patients to your otolaryngology practice? Bump up your marketing efforts and get in front of more clients who need ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialists. Our experts at Clicks Geek can implement effective digital marketing strategies and optimize your website to help grow your ENT practice. Another critical reason to consider PPC advertising if you already use SEO is that no matter how good your SEO marketing, you’re not going to naturally land at the top of search results pages.

    Paid ads always appear at the top, followed by listings from well-SEO-engineered companies or medical practices. Our marketing team will help you develop the optimal marketing plan to attract patients to your practice. Are you ready to achieve your otolaryngology marketing goals? Call us today or contact us online to speak to a digital marketing expert? We look forward to hearing from you.

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