White Label PPC Guide 2023 Logo

*(UPDATED FOR 2025)*

Definitive Guide To White Label PPC Management

Everything You Need to Know
Ed Stapleton - Clicks Geek

Ed Stapleton Jr, Co-Founder Clicks Geek.

If you’ve been struggling with managing client PPC campaigns and scaling your business, we’re here to help! Click below to view our white label pricing.

A Quick Agency Guide to White Label PPC Management

We have a lot of white label PPC management clients and over the years I’ve spoken and emailed with hundreds of local marketers, consultants, SEO’s, marketing companies and design agencies who were looking for a solution to outsource their PPC management.

During these conversations, one thing struck me…

White Label PPC Management - Clicks Geek - Roberty Downy Jr.

Not Interested In Doing Your Client's PPC In-House? Check Out Our White Label PPC Pricing Below.

PPC Ads Google Click

Got questions?
We've got answers

My client is new to Google Ads, how do I set up an account for them?

If you client is new to Google Ads you can create a new account for them here.

My client is already using Google Ads, how do I find out their Customer ID number?

When you log into your client’s Google Ads account you will find their customer ID number under your clients name in the top left of the page. See below…

You recommend setting up an MCC account – what is that and why do I need one?

An MCC is a super convenient tool Google gives you to manage and view multiple Google Ads client accounts from one single location/view. MCC’s make managing more than one account a lot easier, faster and more efficient. 


Here’s instructions on how to set up an MCC account. →

How do we, Clicks Geek, access your client’s account?

Once you have your Google MCC set up you will start adding clients into that dashboard. We will request access into your MCC via OUR MCC so we can view and manage your client campaigns. This permission setting takes under 1 minute to get set up.

Will my clients know you are working on their campaigns or that you’ve been in their account?

NO, We NEVER speak to your client. You are responsible for getting your clients & managing that relationship and we are responsible for the backend campaign setup and management. We offer all the backend support you will need but we never speak to your clients.


If it’s a very large client we’d be willing to hop on a sales call with you as your ‘ppc manager’ to help you answer questions and to aide in closing the sale however this is on a case by case basis.

My client has some questions and I’m not sure how to answer them, what do I do?

Shoot us an email or give us a call with any questions and we’ll get you sorted out. We can even take screenshots or videos if need be from within the account to show the client to make explaining everything a heck of a lot easier. Most times a quick screenshot or a 30 second screencast video can cut right to the chase and take the place of a 15 minute conversation with your client.

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What type of work will you be doing in my clients Google Ads campaign?

Below is just a short “hit list” of PPC management services that will be addressed and worked upon on a frequent basis for your campaigns.

We are not one of the “trendy” PPC companies who churns and burns clients or only works on their campaigns once every 2 weeks, we wanna keep you around.

Here’s some of the work we’ll be providing you:

  • Creating targeted Google search engine marketing campaigns with the specific purpose of only driving a high ROI.
  • Creating multiple, highly targeted ad groups by analyzing the different products/services offered by the client.
  • Monitoring and adjusting bid strategies based on performance across ad groups and keywords.
  • Creating multiple effective ads for every ad group and tuning the ads for performance.
  • Analyzing your industry, understanding the end user needs/wants and creating effective ad copy from users pain points.
  • Adding ad group level keywords based off of raw search query conversion data.
  • Creating Adgroup level Negative Keywords.
  • Call tracking and call recording. Track calls down to the keyword level so you can see exactly what keywords are driving your campaign inbound phone calls.
  • Monitoring your Google Ads PPC performance by analyzing Google Analytics conversion data so we can make better data based optimizations in order to further tune the search campaigns to run more efficiently.
  • Decreasing the CPL (cost per lead) while increasing the campaigns lead volume.
  • Implementing A/B multivariate testing and other conversion optimization tactics for clients landing pages.
  • Reducing client’s wasted ad spend by removing irrelevant keywords from the search query keywords, a continuous process of adding/removing positive and negative keywords.
  • Ad extension optimizations. Cut whats not converting, increase what is converting.
  • Improving CTR continuously.
  • Device bidding optimizations. Increase or decrease device bids based on whats converting and what is not.

What type of info do I need from my client to “on-board” them as a client?

Well, first off, congrats on the new client!

Here’s a list of info you will need to get your client on-boarded.

  • Your clients Google Ads Customer ID number. (If they are new see above for help setting up an account.)
  • Business name
  • Clients name
  • Website URL
  • Niche we will be targeting ads for
  • Geographic area we will be targeting. This can be a town, city, state, region, country, etc. It can even be a radius around a specific location.
  • Email address to send leads to from the landing page
  • Phone number to send calls to from the tracking number. We suggest always having a live person answer these calls.
  • Monthly ad budget
  • Ad Schedule – what days of the week, times of the day, are they open for business
  • Any other pertinent info we should know – ie: types of services in their niche they do not want to target.

Have A Feeling Your Client’s PPC Campaigns Are Underperforming? Get Started Below.

Do you offer reporting?

Yes, your clients can be set-up on weekly, bi-weekly or monthly reporting branded to your company. Each report will contain the clients Google Ads (clicks, impressions, cpc, avg position, conversions, conv rate, etc) statistics and also compare those statistics to the previous weeks statistics. We use Swydo and Agency Analytics

Here’s an example report →

Do you offer landing pages?

Yes we offer landing pages and in 99% of cases we require clients to use one of our landing pages. Driving traffic to your homepage, like most local businesses do, is almost always a waste of money. We build high converting, mobile optimized landing pages using Instapage which allows for real time A/B split testing to find the best version of the page.


A high converting landing page is one of the biggest drivers in the success of your paid traffic campaign.


Why handcuff ourselves by not giving us and your client the greatest chance for success?



If you don’t want to be a loser…use a landing page.


We make them super affordable for you and your client with a small one time fee of $125.


Yup, that’s right.


For only $125 we’ll go buy a domain for your client, host it on our server, design it and write all the copy.


Plenty of room for you to up charge your client to make a little extra dough.

Do you offer call tracking?

Yes we offer call tracking and call recording. We use CallRail. We also track calls back to which keyword drove the phone call as a conversion.

Do you set up Google Analytics?

Yes we do use Google Analytics. Every new onboard we do gets a new Analytics account (or we can use an existing one if you have one). This enables us to track everything more efficiently and also set up our in-depth call tracking as well.

What does CPC mean?

CPC stands for cost per click and it means how much someone pays Google when their ad is clicked by a Google search user.

What type of Ad budget do you recommend we start with?

That’s a great question but unfortunately hard to answer so I’ll go with “it depends”.

It depends on the niche, keywords, search volumes, the location and ultimately the markets CPC. Many local businesses can thrive on $1,500/mo ad budget while with that same budget in another niche a business would struggle to do well and gain traction. It comes down to the monthly search volumes in the market, the number of advertisers and how much the CPC’s are.

Before you get the hang of judging this I’d recommend shooting us an email for advice prior to quoting your potential client.

How small of an ad budget can you work with?

Another good question and again unfortunately I’ll have to answer with “it depends”. If the CPC’s are low we can get away with a budget of less than $1,000 per month but if they are like most local business CPC’s I wouldn’t suggest a monthly budget less than that. Hit us up with questions about your particular prospective client and we can provide you with our best insights into what we think will work best without costing a fortune.

How many leads can we expect per month?

That’s a tough question to answer because so many variables are at play. While we have experience and case studies in lots of niches the truth is every city/town/state is slightly different because a whole new set of companies are playing king of the hill shooting for top placement.

We are not mind readers and can’t read the future but we can take a look at your clients niche and city and give you our best estimates.

Will you set up conversion tracking for my client?

Yes. Without knowing what keywords are turning into leads and which are wasting money its impossible to optimize a campaign. Our team will handle setting all of the conversion tracking up for you.

What do you suggest for my clients Ad Schedule?

It’s in your best interest to set-up a time for your ads to start and stop…preferably only running the ads during business hours. Let’s be realistic, its not going to be the greatest lead that comes through at 3:54 am or a phone call that comes in after you’re closed for business. We advise everyone run a little before business hours and a little after.

Having said that, there are exceptions to this rule.

Grant Cooper - Social Vantage - Testimonial

Grant Cooper

President Social Vantage

We use Clicks Geek and their team for all of our clients PPC needs. Fast campaign turnaround times and excellent support, you can’t beat it. We get to brand the awesome work they do under the Social Vantage brand, it’s a total win/win. Thanks guys!”

Instead of on-going monthly management, do you offer one-time campaign setups and or optimizations?

Yes but in most cases we do not recommend it because AdWords is not designed to be a set it and forget it platform. If you do it that way be prepared to burn a lot of your clients money.


Google Ads accounts, especially new ones, are like babies…they need attention and care and can not be left alone.


If you need some help with setting the campaign up and or optimizing and then you plan to continue to manage it, that is something we can help with.

How much should I charge my clients?

Many of our white label partners up-charge between 10-150% on top of the rates we charge them. It depends on the niche, how much the client is spending and the client’s average client lifetime value.

Are you a Google Partner Agency?

Yes we are!


Where did you get your Google Ads training?

We got our training from the school of hard knocks and by spending millions in ad spend in the health insurance niche…talk about trial by fire.


We stay current studying from today’s paid traffic masters including Mike Rhodes and Perry Marshall.

Is there a contract to work with you?

No! Contracts suck.



Everything we do is on a month to month basis.


If we weren’t performing as advertised, I wouldn’t expect you to stick around, nor should you be required to by some absurd contract.


Our strong performance and lack of client turn over allow us to remove the need for contracts.

What types of clients does Google Ads work best for?

We suggest targeting clients with higher client lifetime values. Lawyers, roofers, contractors, security companies are just a few good examples but the list runs wide and deep.

What types of clients is Google Ads not good for?

Businesses with small client values and or no repeat business. An example of a business PPC wouldn’t work great for would be a pizza shop. We want your clients to make money with their AdWords campaigns. If we feel there might be an issue we will discuss that with you prior to taking them on as a client.

How should I charge my client?

We suggest getting paid up front and with a recurring payment every 30 days. We suggest every 30 days, which is what we do, because charging “monthly” isn’t effective when doing white label because not all months have 30 days.

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